Board funding applications open

Last Updated : 23 Jul 2024
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The call is out for people keen to help build a stronger more vibrant Māngere-Ōtāhuhu as applications for the board’s grants open.

Eligible community groups, organisations, schools and providers can now apply for the Quick Response grant (up to $2,000) and Local Grants (over $2,000).

Board chair Tauanu’u Nick Bakulich says, “Our focus remains on building a stronger, more vibrant Māngere-Ōtāhuhu, and these grants can help us all achieve this.”

Round one of the Quick Response grants is now open for projects scheduled after 1 October. These grants, generally for small amounts, are available up to five times a year. The application deadline is 9 August, with decisions made by the board on 18 September.

Applications for Local Grants will open on 19 August 2024 for projects scheduled after 1 December, with a closing date of 7 September. This grant opportunity typically occurs once or twice a year.

Priority will be given to applications that contribute to revitalising the town centre and improving environmental outcomes.

“As a board, our focus is on funding projects that promote environmental sustainability, reduce waste, enhance digital capability, and improve community safety. We're also excited to support initiatives that encourage healthier lifestyles and aid vulnerable communities,” says Bakulich.

The grants will support programmes or projects that meet one or more of the boards outcomes:

  • targeted at growing a confident and sustainable local economy

  • building well connected, engaged and active communities

  • protecting our environment and heritage for future generations

  • celebrating our unique tanga whenua and pacific identities

  • opportunities for our children and young people to grow and succeed, and thrive and belong in safe, healthy communities.

“Last year, this board helped over 50 community groups and providers with a total funding of $252,068. With our community growing, we're committed to funding projects that enhance and support our area. I encourage everyone in our community to apply—it's an opportunity to make a real difference here,” concludes Bakulich.

Apply for a quick response grant here.

Successful applicants must submit an accountability report at the end of their project or activity. This is required to show us how the grant was used.

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