Whau pool one stroke closer

Publish Date : 30 Jul 2024
Whau pool one stroke closer
Whau Ward Councillor Kerrin Leoni and Whau Local Board chair Kay Thomas.

News that the proposed Whau Aquatic and Recreation Centre is one stroke closer to coming to life has delighted community leaders in the area. 

It follows a funding timeline, totalling more than $89 million, being agreed by the council’s Planning, Environment and Parks Committee. 

Whau Ward Councillor Kerrin Leoni says that the decision is another step towards a much-needed facility in Whau.

“It is key priority for us to improve Whau residents’ access to aquatic facilities, and we have heard loud and clear that this is vital for the community.

“This decision now takes it another step towards reality, with a projected construction start date of 2031.” 

Whau Local Board chair Kay Thomas says the board is delighted with the decision.

“Since 2017 we have strongly advocated for an aquatic centre in our area, and we are delighted that we have reached this point in the process.

“We are acutely aware that there is a gap in pool facilities in our area. As our population grows, this gap will only grow. 

“A pool in the Whau will not only provide a facility for the benefit of our community but will also service surrounding areas where existing pools are nearing capacity.

“This funding will ensure potential sites for the pool are thoroughly investigated and from there, planning for construction of the centre can begin.”

The timeline lays out the required funding for each stage of the project – design, consenting and construction. 

$300,000 of funding was allocated FY26 for identifying and investigating potential sites, followed by $6 million in FY27 for potential purchase of land. 

The remaining is allocated for design and consents starting in FY28, with construction projected to begin in FY31. 

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