New community lease at Rosebank Domain Park open for consultation

Publish Date : 05 Sep 2024
New community lease for Rosebank Speedway open for consultation

Consultation on a proposed new lease for Rosebank Speedway to continue operation at Rosebank Domain Park is open as part of a public notification process agreed by Whau Local Board. 

The proposed new lease is for five years, with one right of renewal for a further five years, replacing the current rolling month-to-month lease that has been in place since 2019. 

It would also reduce the leases footprint by 13,000m2. This will allow for an area of native forest in the domain to be protected and regenerated.

As part of the public notification process, Whau Local Board agreed to appoint an independent commissioner, if required, to hear any objections or submissions received. 

The independent commissioner would then make a recommendation to the local board to make a final decision on the lease. 

Whau Local Board Chair Kay Thomas says that the decision to appoint an independent commissioner is a commitment from the board to remain impartial and consider all views on the use of the domain. 

“We want the process for deciding on the future of Rosebank Domain to be open and transparent, with appointment of an independent commissioner, if required, the best way forward. 

“The proposed lease finds a middle ground for all stakeholders, including the continuation of Rosebank Speedway and an opportunity to regenerate an area of native forest. 
“We encourage anyone interested in the use of the domain to make a submission, and we look forward to coming to a decision on the lease in the coming months.”

Classified as a recreation reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977, a reserve management plan for Rosebank Park Domain will be developed in the future. This will investigate alternative uses of the reserve. 

The proposed new lease term aligns with the anticipated completion of the future reserve management plan. 

“The local board may continue to consider other futures for the domain the in long-term, but we hope to come to a lease arrangement that will give Rosebank Speedway certainty for the future,” Chair Thomas says. 

Submissions are open from 5 September to 6 October 2024 and you can find details on making a submission here or by emailing

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