Grey Power finds new home

Publish Date : 19 Sep 2024
Grey Power at Mt Albert Senior Citizens Hall
Grey Power Auckland settles into new headquarters.
Grey Power At Meet The Candidates Event
Grey Power members at their 'Meet the Candidates' event

Grey Power Auckland has found a new home after being handed a lease to Mt Albert Senior Citizens Hall, a council-owned community venue.

Headquarters for the superannuants’ advocacy group was previously located in Blockhouse Bay.

But thanks to a leasing arrangement agreed to by Albert-Eden Local Board, Grey Power has now settled into a very fitting space for its operations.

Local board chair Kendyl Smith is glad to help.

“We are pleased we could provide this space for Grey Power – a group with a fantastic cause who we know will get great use from this venue,” says chair Smith.

Grey Power was formed in 1985 in response to an additional tax on income above national superannuation. The group lobbied for 13 years until the surtax was removed.

The advocacy group is primarily run by volunteers and continues to lobby to protect New Zealand superannuation and has expanded to address wider issues that impact older people.

Grey Power works with similar organisations to improve the financial, health and other needs of seniors. Membership benefits include discounted power, gas, broadband, hot tips and tricks, ongoing events, meetings, regular news and updates.

Auckland Grey Power committee member Steve McDonald attended an Albert-Eden Local Board business meeting to thank the board in person.

“On behalf of Grey Power Auckland, we wanted to extend a big thank you to Albert-Eden Local Board for the lease to use this room as a gathering place and for the benefit of seniors across the wider Auckland area,” he says.

“This has really helped our organisation. We’re a self-sustaining club and this lease has saved us thousands of dollars – so it was a necessity to come here and show our appreciation,” says McDonald.

Situated next to Rocket Park, Mt Albert War Memorial Hall and the Mt Albert Recreation Centre, Mt Albert Senior Citizens Hall was built in 1976, funded by the Lions Club of Mt Albert and the Mt Albert Senior Citizens Club.

To join Auckland Grey Power and help advocate for policies and practices that meet older people’s needs, visit

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