Anyone want a house?

Publish Date : 01 Oct 2024

Free to a good home – well, almost free. 

With a housing crisis raging, Franklin Local Board is keen that a local property doesn’t go to waste. 

“We can’t say ‘perfectly good house’ because it isn’t,” board chair Angela Fulljames says. “But we are removing the house at 6 North Road in Clevedon to make room to upgrade the reserve and it would be great to see it get a new home.” 

“We aren’t looking to make money so we could gift the house if someone covered relocation. 

“From our point of view the best scenario would be for a local group to re-purpose it for something positive.” 

The board is calling for expressions of interest from community partners, not for profit housing organisations, or other charities 

“The coming years are forecast to be a time of rapid population growth and by removing the house, we’ll be able to expand the North Road Reserve open space area,” Fulljames says. 

But people needed to understand what they might be taking on since the house has been boarded up since 2022, with the single-storey 1970s three-bedroom dwelling in a poor condition both inside and out. 

“Returning the property to a fit state would be expensive but it could be that someone out there has the necessary skills to make it viable. We’d far prefer it survived on a new site with a new purpose than that it was simply demolished.” 

Expressions of interest close on 31 October. There’s no need to fill out a form, just email queries or register at

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