Grant funding nurtures native nursery

Publish Date : 20 Mar 2025

Motu Community Nursery is nearly ready to open to the public in Medlands for all locals’ native plant needs, with the help of grant funding from Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board.

In 2024, Alan Phelps and Bree Biederman took over the management of an existing native nursery operation on Aotea.

Now they are putting into action big plans to expand to two locations. This includes the retail space at Medlands which will help to engage more closely with the community, as well as promote advocacy for the island’s native plant species, and support local restoration efforts.

Bree says Motu Community Nursery provides numerous benefits to the local community.

“Our native plant nursery ensures access to eco-sourced, locally grown plants for a wide range of planting projects including landscaping, regeneration, and waterway protection,” says Bree.

“It reduces reliance on imported plants which helps lower costs and pests while making sure the island has resilient, well-adapted native species.

“By supporting conservation, sustainability, and local livelihoods, our nursery plays a vital role in the island’s resilience and future.”

The nursery has received two grants from the local board to get it to this stage.

“One of our core focuses as a board is on local resilience and continuing to support our local groups,” says board chair Izzy Fordham.

“We encourage the community to apply for grants to help turn their plans into a reality, or progress projects already in action. Motu Nursery is a great example of achieving beneficial outcomes for the community through our grants programme.”

A Local Grant helped cover Alan and Bree’s expenses while they built a new propagation site to grow plants in Okiwi and transitioned there from the nursery’s original location in Mulberry Grove.

A Capital Grant supported the infrastructure costs of creating their new nursery retail site in Medlands. This funding covered essential construction elements such as posts, fencing, gates, windbreaks, and shade structures, as well as a solar-powered pump, irrigation system, and water tanks.

“We'd like to thank everyone who has helped us on the journey,” says Bree.

“Ngā mihi nui e te whānau.”

Motu Community Nursery will open in April at The Village on Mason Road in Medlands, and will be open every Friday and Saturday (except public holidays) throughout the planting season. Keep an eye out for details about the official opening celebration!

The board’s current Local and Capital Grant funding round is open until Friday 2 May 2025. If you have an idea for a community activity, initiative or infrastructure project that might be eligible, find out more and apply here.

Auckland Council is currently asking for feedback on its Annual Plan 2025/2026. At a local level, one of Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board’s priorities is to continue to support community through its local grants programme. If you think this is important, please have your say before 28 March at

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