
News474 Results

Arts 20 Apr 2017

Maker movement putting power in young people’s hands

Creative champions and technology have come together in an initiative called Makerhood, helping people rediscover the art of making and encouraging people to tinker, fix and make stuff rather than consume it.

Educational 12 Apr 2017

Zoo Tales: A slice of Africa this Easter

Auckland Zoo’s new African savannah opens on Good Friday 25 March.

Walkways 10 Apr 2017

Tread carefully to keep our kauri standing

If you're out exploring Waitākere Ranges Regional Park this Easter and school holidays, please remember to use footwear cleaning stations to help protect our precious forest giants from kauri dieback disease.

Environment 7 Apr 2017

WATCH: Whio bachelorette chooses her mate

Drama unfolds as Auckland Zoo's female blue duck chooses a new partner.

Community 31 Mar 2017

Oranga Primary kids hit the bike track

Excited pupils headed out with their bikes at Oranga Primary School to celebrate the official opening of their Bikes in Schools track, which was completed in January.

Community 27 Mar 2017

New hope for kōkopu, Auckland's native whitebait

Find out how the council is helping these little creatures across the region.

Educational 27 Mar 2017

Online Cenotaph a living memorial

Auckland War Memorial Museum’s Online Cenotaph is a living memorial to those who served Aotearoa New Zealand during times of international conflict.