News448 Results

Building blocks for success: early childhood services extend stay in Henderson-Massey
West Auckland’s tiniest residents are set for more playtime!

Southern boards make workshops open
Until now only business meetings have been open to the public, but the three most southern local boards in Auckland will now also open workshops.

Tūpuna Maunga Authority announces annual research scholarship opportunity
The Tūpuna Maunga Authority is excited to announce that applications are open for its annual research scholarship of up to $10,000.

Franklin students wage war on carbon
Students are decarbonising their schools under an Auckland Council Sustainable Schools’ climate action programme.

Beautification Trust has lengthy mahi recognised
The Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust has been acknowledged for 23 years of service to Tāmaki Makaurau as it moves away from operating as a controlled-organisation of Auckland Council.

Student-led climate action initiative helps efforts to decarbonise Auckland schools
Wheels Wednesday is a winner at Meadowbank School!

Taste of Franklin food gala sells out
More than 100 guests joined the Kitchen Project’s Kai Franklin Chef's Table dinner.

There will be no MOTH-ING around in this competition
Enthusiastic students in the Howick Local Board area can compete in the boards annual Moth Plant Pod Competition and help to protect and restore the natural environment.
Events111 Results

Wriggle & Rhyme at Epsom Community Library
Come join us every Wednesday at 10am (during school term only) for a fun and interactive for you...

Watercolour Wednesday
Kids will explore the wonderful world of watercolours through exciting and creative projects.

Acoustic guitar for adults
This process includes chords, scales, soloing, strumming, fingerpicking, composition, learning ne...

Ceramics for all levels
Create a slab vase, a coiled bowl, a pressed mould piece and a pinch pot sculpture.

Mandarin Rhymetime
Enjoy Chinese language and culture through music, stories, and activities!

Wednesday acrylics
Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of acrylics!

Wriggle & Rhyme - Albany Village Library
A programme to educate parents and caregivers in active movement,