Protecting Auckland's environment
News1488 Results

Puketāpapa pest control pays dividends for indigenous ornate skink population
A promising discovery has been made in a forested area of Auckland.

Working together to protect Auckland’s natural environment
Aucklanders will soon be asked for their feedback on Auckland Council’s ‘Let’s protect our environment’ consultation.

Young artists green message on show
Beautification Trust’s annual Eye on Nature children’s environmental education programme is sponsored by Auckland Council and the southern local boards.

Auckland on track to meet critical water targets
According to the annual progress report for the Auckland Water Strategy, Tāmaki Makaurau is on track to meet its targets to reduce water consumption and the water supply target for recycled water capacity.

Grants available for Kaipara Moana fencing and planting projects
Hundreds of landowners and groups are working with Kaipara Moana Remediation to regenerate forest on erosion-prone land in the Kaipara Moana catchment.

Get up and garden at Kawakawa Bay
Permission has been given to establish a community garden at Kawakawa Bay.

Students from across South Auckland take part in a bilingual hiikoi to revive Te Puhinui
Students from across South Auckland take part in a bilingual hiikoi to revive Te Puhinui.

Work continues on Franklin transport issues
Work on Awhtiu roads that remain closed by cyclone damage has been scheduled.
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Events40 Results

Kahikatea: The Disappearing Tree
This exhibition is focused on isolated stands of second growth Kahikatea on the margins of East P...

Bloodsuckers: Legends to Leeches
Discover facts about your own blood, and how it sustains life not just for you - but also for the...

Climate Action Trail - Auckland Botanic Gardens
The trail contains 10 fun stops with content for tamariki and adults, showing how we can all live...

Ranger guided walk - Totara Park
Learn about the unique flora and fauna of the forest and stream ecosystems as well as key environ...

Eskdale Regeneration with Kaipātiki Project
Join us to help protect our unique native ecosystems and build local climate resilience!

Planting with Pride
This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with our Rainbow community and get active in a fun and...

Composting Workshops - February
Come and learn how easy it is to turn your waste into fertiliser!!

Volunteer Welcome Day with Kaipātiki Project
A variety of tasks are available to suit different people and support can be offered to different...