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Protecting Auckland's environment

News1488 Results

Environment 1 Nov 2016

Make sure your rubbish won't hurt anyone

In the last two years, more than 80 Auckland rubbish collectors have been seriously injured on the job by dangerous items thrown away by residents.

Environment 1 Nov 2016

What the future holds for Howick

What could Howick Village look like in 30 years? That’s the focus of a new plan being developed by Auckland Council.

Environment 25 Oct 2016

Rural recycling bins for Franklin

Recycling will be significantly easier for residents in rural Franklin, with the start of Auckland Council’s fortnightly roadside collection service to almost 7000 properties.

Environment 20 Oct 2016

New inorganic service triumphs at WasteMINZ Awards for Excellence

Auckland Council’s inorganic service has won a top accolade at the Waste Management Industry New Zealand (WasteMINZ) industry awards.

Environment 18 Oct 2016

Much to learn at global climate change conference

Mayor Len Brown says there will be much for Auckland to learn at a global climate change conference in Paris this month.

Community 18 Oct 2016

Waitematā Local Board launches Low Carbon Action Plan

Waitematā Local Board launches Low Carbon Action Plan

Community 18 Oct 2016

6 benefits of Bokashi

If you’re looking for an easy, non-stinky way to manage your food scraps, then Bokashi may be the answer.