
News154 Results

14-24 year olds 30 Aug 2017

Enjoy your Henderson

Did you know that Henderson and its surrounding area is full of great things to do? It has everything from parks and playgrounds, to pools, leisure centres and libraries, all run or looked after by Auckland Council.

Community 25 Jul 2017

Spark Boroughs basketball court a slam dunk for Glen Innes

Nicknamed ‘The Post Office’ by locals, the Glen Innes court is the fifth of five basketball courts to be delivered as part of the Spark Boroughs project.

Arts 3 Jul 2017

Karangahape Road goes bananas

In the works Don’t Dream it’s Over, artist Janet Lilo has used her striking banana motif and sharp neon elements to illustrate Karangahape Road’s melting pot of history, cultural heritage and community diversity.

Sports / Leisure 20 Mar 2017

Celebrate Stanmore Bay Pool and Leisure Centre's upgrade

The recently upgraded centre is holding a fun-filled family open day, with group fitness class tasters, pool inflatables for the kids, free health checks and more.

Playgrounds 2 Mar 2017

Playground review: New-look playground for Pukekohe

This beloved play area has been given a refresh, but don't worry – the Roktopus is still there, along with all the other old favourites.

Beaches 22 Feb 2017

Five free places for a fun family day out

We’ve picked some of our favourite Auckland spots to take the family and make the most of the last few weeks of warm weather.

Beaches 31 Jan 2017

Explore Matakana by bike

Get outside this summer and take a ride north of the city with the Matakana trails ride to Omaha and Point Wells.

Community 20 Dec 2016

Playground review: Fun for littlies in Herne Bay

The play equipment at Salisbury Reserve is perfect for smaller children, particularly preschoolers or younger.