Kids / Family
Events94 Results

Wriggle & Rhyme - Avondale Library
Come on down to the library with your pepi and tamariki for our Wriggle and Rhyme sessions!

Tangyuan cooking class
Learn how to make tangyuan, sweet rice dumplings traditionally enjoyed during the last day of the...

Minecraft club at Whangaparāoa Library
Bring your Minecraft loaded device and have fun making friends, sharing tips and tricks, and shar...

Watercolour Wednesday
Kids will explore the wonderful world of watercolours through exciting and creative projects.

Mandarin Rhymetime
Enjoy Chinese language and culture through music, stories, and activities!

Stories & Rhyme - Ōrewa Library
Join our Stories & Rhyme sessions with songs, movement and finger rhymes for pre-schoolers and th...

Wriggle and Rhyme - Ōrewa Library
Wriggle and Rhyme promotes active movement and brain development for babies and toddlers aged two...

Wriggle & Rhyme - Albany Village Library
A programme to educate parents and caregivers in active movement,