Mayor of Auckland

The latest updates from the Office of the Mayor of Auckland.

News327 Results

Mayor 9 Dec 2022

Mayor hosts first hui with mana whenua

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown and Tāmaki Makaurau iwi representatives gathered in Auckland yesterday to whakawhanaungatanga and explore new ways for council and mana whenua to work together.

Mayor 7 Dec 2022

Mayor comments on PWC report into Eke Panuku

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown says the PwC report into the management of conflicts of interest at Eke Panuku highlights that there is still work to be done to ensure the council-controlled organisation has good processes in place.

Mayor 5 Dec 2022

Mayor’s proposed 4.66 per cent rates rise below inflation

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown’s budget proposal outlines a total rates rise of just 4.66 per cent which would see the average Auckland household paying an extra $154 per year or $3 per week.

Mayor 4 Dec 2022

Mayor welcomes extra transport funding for Auckland

“Every bit helps,” Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown said today in response to Transport Minister Michael Wood’s Transport Choices package 2022-24.

Mayor 3 Dec 2022

Local Boards to play their part in plugging $295 million budget hole

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown is asking all elected members, including Local Boards, to help plug the forecast $295 million budget hole.

Mayor 2 Dec 2022

Minority airport share sale would save ratepayers $88 million

The proposed sale of Auckland Council’s 18 per cent shareholding in Auckland International Airport Ltd (NZX:AIA) could raise nearly $2 billion, thereby reducing the debt servicing cost to ratepayers by at least $88 million a year and cutting next...

Mayor 1 Dec 2022

Mayor’s budget proposal seeks record savings

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown’s forthcoming 2023/24 budget proposal will seek record savings to help bridge a forecast budget hole of $295 million.

Mayor 1 Dec 2022

Auckland Mayor and Social Development Minister meet to break the cycle of youth crime

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown met with Minister for Social Development and Employment, Hon Carmel Sepuloni, in Auckland yesterday.