Mayor of Auckland

The latest updates from the Office of the Mayor of Auckland.

News331 Results

Have your say 20 Apr 2018

Clear support by Aucklanders for regional fuel tax

The regional fuel tax (RFT) has received majority support from Aucklanders according to a Colmar Brunton poll of just under 4000 people.

Technology / Innovation 13 Apr 2018

Electric buses to hit Auckland's streets

The two buses are a trial funded by the Government's Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) and Auckland Transport (AT).

Environment 23 Mar 2018

Experts weigh in on environment targeted rates

At our Auckland Conversations event on the environment as part of the 10-year Budget and Auckland Plan 2050 consultation, we discussed the challenges facing our environment.

Sports / Leisure 6 Mar 2018

Auckland Council out in force at Round the Bays

Out in force in ‘Let’s Run This City’ t-shirts were 750 Auckland Council employees and leisure centre members, many of whom got race ready at their local leisure centre and weekly run clubs.

Mayor 16 Feb 2018

Mayor Phil Goff: Our thoughts are with the people of Tonga

Our thoughts are with the people of Tonga in the aftermath of Cyclone Gita, the worst storm to hit the country in 60 years.

Mayor 13 Feb 2018

Mayor announces more resources to tackle illegal dumping

Significant new resources announced to tackle illegal dumping in Auckland.

Environment 30 Jan 2018

A sustainable Auckland on mayor's agenda

Beach pollution and the king tide and storm surge in January are reminders of the challenges we need to confront

Plans / Projects 13 Dec 2017

Briefing to incoming government

We've provided the new government with an overview on major issues and opportunities facing Auckland.