News65 Results

Songwriters 4 Climate Action album release during Music Month
Waitematā Local Board helped fund the recording of the album which took place at Roundhead Studios.

World-class arts, eats and beats are back on the menu at Elemental AKL
Auckland’s favourite mid-year festival, Elemental AKL returns this July with a sensational season of curated experiences celebrating the unique culture, cuisine, and creativity of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.

Entertainment for everyone with Music and Movies in Parks
Both Music in Parks and Movies in Parks are back for 2021 with an incredible line-up.

Music in Parks brings this summer’s soundtrack to parks
Some of the coolest summer beats and brooding new melodies come from the youngest talent on our Music in Parks stages this summer.

Journey of Te Tiriti o Waitangi 180 years ago in lights
Aucklanders can reflect and learn about Tāmaki Makaurau’s part in the Treaty of Waitangi story as the region honours 180 years since the first historic signing this Waitangi Day.

Music tells the story of SUSO 2020
Twenty SUSO stars will perform live at Auckland Council’s 43rd Music in Parks series this summer.

City of Sails hosts Tuia 250 flotilla
Tāmaki Makaurau is set to welcome Tuia 250 Voyage flotilla into the Waitematā on Friday 25 October.

SUSO 2020 re-shaped to keep the dream alive
Stand Up Stand Out has moved quickly to re-shape its format, aiming to help keep the music dream alive for the city’s young music talent.