
News73 Results

Zero Waste 27 Nov 2023

Auckland diverts 9 million kilos of food scraps from landfill

Aucklanders have kept nine million kilograms of food scraps out of landfill with their new rukenga kai (food scraps) collection service.

Zero Waste 15 Nov 2023

Much mulch for ground-baking summer

With El Niño increasing the chances of a long hot summer baking the ground, the Waitākere Refuse and Recycling Transfer Station has got you covered.

Council news 14 Nov 2023

How do we put freshwater first?

Freshwater rules are changing in Tāmaki Makaurau and it’s time for Aucklanders to have their say on how to improve the region’s rivers, lakes and streams.

Sustainability 1 Nov 2023

Roskill residents reduce carbon footprint

Mt Roskill community take on sustainable living programme and reduced their carbon emissions by almost 170kg CO2 over 10 weeks.

Sustainability 31 Oct 2023

Manurewa Community Recycling Centre celebrates first birthday

The Manurewa Community Recycling Centre, a cornerstone in South Auckland's Zero Waste efforts, is marking its first birthday this weekend with a whānau-friendly party for the community, and there's much to celebrate.

Development 27 Oct 2023

Auckland Council installs first low carbon pipes

Low carbon pipes find their way into the ground

Environment 26 Oct 2023

Come on and give food scraps a go

If you haven’t noticed the smaller addition to Auckland Council’s household bin family, why not take a stroll up your street on collection day.

14-24 year olds 18 Oct 2023

Moth plant busters sail to Motuihe

Young environmentalists were rewarded for their moth plant beating efforts with a trip to the Motuihe nature reserve.