Environmental education in Kaipātiki has been bolstered following approval by the Kaipātiki Local Board to redevelop facilities located at 17 Lauderdale Rd, Birkdale - the home of the Kaipātiki Project.
“A new building will be built, delivering a local education centre that will teach volunteer residents and students about our precious natural environment,” says Kaipātiki Project Liason and Kaipātiki Local Board Deputy Chair Danielle Grant.
"Learning will become more accessible and exciting with a new classroom large enough to host up to 60 local school children at a time,” says Grant.
“The new facility will help to bring the outdoors into the hands of our children, and it will enable Kaipātiki Project and Auckland Council to walk the talk on sustainability,” she says.

Local Board Chair John Gillon says the new building is much needed.
“It will be a smart new Green Building and will replace the current one which is cold, damp and leaking,” says Gillon.
“It will be built in the same location within Lauderdale Reserve, next to the native nursery, and will ensure that the Kaipātiki Project can continue to deliver important environmental education and restoration for many years to come,” he says.
The new building design is the culmination of a huge amount of work by a steering group that included the Kaipātiki Project manager and staff, architects, iwi representative and various Auckland Council staff.
Detailed design concepts are expected to be completed in February next year, with onsite construction commencing a few months later in May 2020.
To find out more about Kaipātiki Project, visit kaipatiki.org.nz