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Acoustic guitar for adults
This process includes chords, scales, soloing, strumming, fingerpicking, composition, learning ne...

Ceramics for all levels
Create a slab vase, a coiled bowl, a pressed mould piece and a pinch pot sculpture.

Mandarin Rhymetime
Enjoy Chinese language and culture through music, stories, and activities!

Wednesday acrylics
Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of acrylics!

Stories & Rhyme - Ōrewa Library
Join our Stories & Rhyme sessions with songs, movement and finger rhymes for pre-schoolers and th...

Wriggle and Rhyme - Ōrewa Library
Wriggle and Rhyme promotes active movement and brain development for babies and toddlers aged two...

Wriggle & Rhyme - Albany Village Library
A programme to educate parents and caregivers in active movement,