Sculptor of the Week – Marte Szirmay

Last Updated : 15 Dec 2015
Marte Szirmay Seek sculpture

Auckland based artist Marte Szirmay’s sculpture, Seek, is an acquisition award winner, for the permanent collection at Auckland Botanic Gardens.

With each Sculpture in the Gardens exhibition, the Friends of Auckland Botanic Gardens selects works to remain at the Gardens. When receiving her award, Szirmay said “my wish to live in the Gardens has come true".

“Marte Szirmay has long been regarded as one of Auckland’s most accomplished artists. The Friends are delighted to add one of her sculptures to the gardens’ permanent collection,” said Auckland Botanic Gardens' Bill Burrill.

Szirmay was born in Hungary. Her work is represented in private and public collections in New Zealand, Australia, Hungary, Sweden, Italy, Greece and USA.

Art making for Marte Szirmay is about creating a language of signs and symbols that transcend regional, cultural and social limitations.

“Auckland Botanic Gardens is a wonderful environment where people visit with joy and longing to be part of a sense of wellbeing and harmony – which Seek may amplify in their daily lives.”

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