The City Rail Link build is ON

Publish Date : 14 Mar 2016
City Rail Link Build is on Monday
Auckland Transport has launched The Build is ON! campaign, which explains some of the changes happening around the city as part of the CRL construction. The campaign includes a video featuring All Black Jerome Kaino (watch below).

The City Rail Link (CRL) is Auckland’s top transport priority. It will shape our city and grow our economy, making Auckland a better place for everyone.

Construction of the CRL starts soon. It’s a big job and there’ll be a lot happening. If you’re driving into the city, you’ll notice road works and fewer on-street car parks, and it might be harder to get around.

Plan your journey to avoid delays

Changing your journey could make a big difference to help you get around town once construction starts. You can catch the bus, train or ferry, or walk or cycle to work. You could also think about carpooling or changing the hours that you work, or working from home on some days.

The Build is ON!

Auckland Transport on Monday launched The Build is ON! campaign, which explains some of the changes happening around the city as part of the CRL construction. Check out the billboards, posters, bus ads and advertisements around Auckland to find out more, or the video above, which features All Black Jerome Kaino.

Find out more about the City Rail Link and The Build is ON!

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