With beaches in Auckland a popular destination during the summer months and two long weekends ahead, Auckland Transport is joining forces with Waitematā Police to remind people to buckle up.
Inspector Trevor Beggs, Waitematā Road Policing Manager, says 100 deaths in 2016 associated with people not wearing seatbelts, and 92 the previous year, is very disappointing.
“We’re so much more aware these days of how a seatbelt can prevent serious injury or death in a crash – so why are we not using them?” Inspector Beggs says.
Front seat occupants have a 60 per cent reduction in the risk of fatal or serious injury if they crash while wearing their seatbelt, and rear seat passengers have a 44 per cent reduction.
Auckland Transport, which is supporting the campaign by reminding people to “buckle up buttercup” through radio advertising and giveaways, wants the increase in deaths associated with non-restraint use to stop.
“Putting on your seatbelt, and ensuring all of those in your vehicle do too, is a simple thing you can do to keep yourself and those you love safe,” says AT Walking, Cycling and Safety Manager Kathryn King.
“Drivers make mistakes – a seatbelt could be the difference between surviving that mistake and not, so buckle up buttercup!”