Improving safety at rail crossings in Tamaki

Publish Date : 05 Dec 2018
Glen innes crossing
Councillor Josephine Bartley at the Glen Innes rail crossing.

Incidents at level crossings in Glen Innes have raised questions around the future of the crossings, and the potential for a new footbridge.

“Safety is a major issue at the Glen Innes level crossings,” says Councillor Josephine Bartley.

“The number of incidents hasn’t dropped over recent years, despite increased signage and awareness campaigns. Something really needs to be done to the area physically."

The preferred option is a wide footbridge that would serve as a shared path linking the town centre to the new walking/cycling network. The bridge would provide safe access to the train station, meaning the two pedestrian level crossings in the area can be closed.

Security will also be improved as access to the station platform would be via a single point.

Auckland Transport consulted with Orakei and Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Boards and the Tāmaki Regeneration Company, who have all expressed support for the project.

Plans to redevelop the Glen Innes Town Centre is proving an ideal opportunity to develop a comprehensive solution that connects the station and the communities on both sides of the rail tracks.

Councillor Bartley looks forward to working with Auckland Transport on the best solution for this location.

In the meantime, she reminds everyone that, “until the changes have been made it is up to us to keep ourselves and our whanau safe around rail crossings.

"Look up from your phone, take off your headphones, and don’t attempt to outrun a train, or risk crossing when the lights are flashing.”

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