Public transport for the people of Franklin has taken a major step forward with the opening of the upgraded Pukekohe Station.
Today the new bus and train facilities were opened by Auckland Mayor Phil Goff alongside the Minister of Transport, Phil Twyford.
Mayor Goff says, “This $16.2 million upgrade is part of Auckland Council and Auckland Transport’s continued investment in developing a well-connected, convenient and integrated public transport network for Auckland.
“The improved links between buses and trains make public transport more efficient and improves choices in the south of Auckland. This also makes it easier for people to move around our region without adding to congestion.
“This upgrade is a vision of what’s to come as we transform Auckland’s transport system, with $28 billion worth of investment planned across our region over the next 10 years, including billions for south Auckland.”
The upgraded station links bus stops with the existing rail platform and has improved connections to the local roads and footpaths. There is also a new 87-vehicle park and ride car park offering customers the convenience and safety of parking at the station to catch the train to the city centre.
Transport Minister Phil Twyford says the new facilities are an asset for the area.
“People living in Pukekohe and the surrounding communities need great public transport and an integrated transport hub like this signals our Government’s commitment to continually improving the availability of public transport for communities across New Zealand.”
Auckland Transport Chairman Dr Lester Levy, says the growth in the Pukekohe area and plans to electrify the line to Papakura means the upgrade is critical future-proofing as more people choose to use public transport.
“We are working hard to provide a well-connected Rapid Transport Network for the south. This upgrade is a first step towards achieving that goal.
“The station will be at the heart of the new public transport network for the area. Bus and train transport hubs like this allow people to transfer seamlessly, improving their journey and travel experience.”

- 6-bay bus stops integrated with the existing Pukekohe Rail Station
- New overbridge with lifts (due for completion late July 2018) to connect the bus and train station, providing a more direct link between Station Road and Manukau Road
- Park and ride facility for 87 vehicles
- Additional ticket machines
- Covered passenger waiting area for the Bus Station
- Drop and ride area
- Cycle parking facilities
- 24-hour CCTV security with improved lighting
- Public toilets
- Improved rail platform surface.
- Accommodates more public transport services
- Better connectivity between new network buses and trains
- Provides better and faster connections within the Franklin community and wider Auckland region
- Enables bus and train timetables to be aligned
- Increased park and ride facilities will encourage people to use train services.
- Total project cost of $16.2 million funded by Auckland Council and the Government through the New Zealand Transport Agency
- $8.3 million came from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF)
- $7.9 million came from AT.
Bus services
Operating from midday on Wednesday 6 June.
- Three bus routes running every 30 minutes, seven days a week in a loop around Pukekohe that serve the town centre, shopping area and connect with train services at the station
- An express bus service from Pukekohe to Wesley College/Paerata.
- A route between Waiuku and Pukekohe, seven days a week.
Tuakau and Port Waikato buses
- A peak weekday Tuakau to Pukekohe service
- A Thursday, peak-only service that travels from Port Waikato to Pukekohe Station.
Both routes travel via Massey Ave and end at Pukekohe Station are timed to fit in with the train timetable.
Bus routes