Waitematā Safe Routes update

AT to re-engage with community in November

Publish Date : 24 Sep 2018
Waitemata Safe Routes
Indicative design of Tutanekai Street and Richmond Road

Auckland Transport will re-engage with the community on Grey Lynn's Waitematā Safe Routes programme in mid-November.

This will include public information drop-in sessions where people can view the drawings and talk to the project team about indicative designs for Surrey Crescent, Old Mill and Garnet Roads, and Richmond Road through West Lynn village.

As well as an information brochure, there will be mail drops to residents and property owners and more details online.

Ken Lee-Jones, from the Waitematā Safe Routes project team, says the project aims to fix drainage issues in the village centre, make the route safer for people walking and cycling, and make crossing the road safer for children getting to local schools.

“Over the past few months we have used feedback from the wider community to develop the latest design proposals," he says.

Join the conversation

“The re-engagement will be an opportunity for the wider community to join the conversation.

“I encourage local residents to sign up to the email newsletter for project news and the upcoming re-engagement.”

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