Make a pledge to cycle to work during Bike Month

Publish Date : 18 Feb 2019
Pledge to Bike to Work 2

Did you know that cycling to work instead of driving just one day a week throughout the year could save you 237kg of carbon emissions and up to $800 in petrol?

Cycling to work instead of driving on your commute is a win that’s good for your wallet, fitness and the planet.

With February being bike month, now is the perfect time of year to live lightly and make a pledge to get cycling.

If you’re not sure where to ride, Auckland Transport has a range of maps and rides you could try. If you're new to cycling, why not take a look at the range of free Bike Skills and Maintenance Drop-in Sessions around Auckland.

You could take part in the annual 2019 Auckland Bike Challenge to be in to win great prizes too, or find out about Bike Month for schools

About Live Lightly

Live Lightly is a programme that encourages Aucklanders to live more sustainably, helping to achieve our city’s target of net zero emissions by 2050.

Live Lightly offers a range of things you can do to make a positive change with a big impact. Changing how you travel, the energy you use, the food you eat and what you buy all makes a difference.

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