The open arms of Ruapotaka Marae

Providing a hub for the community

Publish Date : 07 Mar 2019
R Marae youth
Councillor Bartley and Chair Makoare with the youth of Te Amiorangi.

Ruapotaka Marae is an urban marae located in the heart of Glen Innes providing whānau-based services to Māori and to the wider community.

Manager Georgie Thompson has worked hard to encourage wider community involvement through the marae and to communicate that its doors are open to all.

“There is a lot of change in the Tāmaki area, a great deal of new residents coming in and development happening, so this cultural hub is an important connector to our local community in a Māori context,” says Councillor Josephine Bartley, a strong advocate for the marae. 

“One of many success stories of the role the marae plays is that of enabling Te Amiorangi, a local youth group, to come together to perform cultural fusion dance as a way to uplift youth affected by suicide.

“As a hub, as a centre of the Tamaki community, Ruapotaka Marae plays an essential role - one that I am very proud to be a part of and to support.”

Opened in the early 1980s, the buildings and grounds were in dire need of an upgrade. Ensuring a grant from the Governing Body towards an upgrade was one of the first things Councillor Bartley achieved when she was elected last year. 

“There is still work to be done and funds to be raised but I am committed to working with Maungakiekie Tāmaki Local Board under the leadership of chair Chris Makoare to see the upgrade come to fruition.”

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