Makeover planned for Greenslade Reserve

Publish Date : 07 Jun 2019
Makeover planned for Greenslade Reserve (1)
Artist impression: Greenslade Reserve terraces

As part of the creation of the Awataha Greenway and the regeneration of Northcote Town Centre, Auckland Council is transforming Greenslade Reserve into a new recreational facility.

The transformation will include a playing field for rugby league and cricket, attractive recreational facilities from terraced seating to BBQ areas, a walking loop and a native planted urban wetland.  

“The transformation of Greenslade Reserve will provide our local residents with an awesome and improved shared space for sport, recreation and provide a new wetland in an urban environment,” says Councillor Richard Hills.

“This is an example of integrated design to build crucial stormwater solutions and provide great facilities for our community.”

The problem of local flooding will also be resolved.

“The daylighting at the northern end of the Greenslade Reserve will help improve the quality of stormwater as it travels through Northcote along the new Awataha Greenway," says Kaipatiki Local Board’s chairperson, John Gillon,

"The rejuvenated sports field and recreational area on the town centre's doorstep will provide a great outdoor facility for the people of Northcote and the wider Kaipātiki area."

Starting in October 2019 with a target completion date by April 2020, the project will:

  • improve water quality and drainage
  • reduce flooding in the Northcote town centre
  • improve the surface and drainage of the playing field and amenities for community use
  • connect the community to its natural environment with a native planted wetland.

“We’re going to lower the ground level of the playing field as if it were in a natural occurring basin, redirect stormwater pipes above ground to improve the stormwater network and install new drainage which will also stop the Town Centre flooding,” says Project Manager, Gwilym van Hoffen.

“The aim is to get the playing field sand carpeted and planted with couch grass to get players back enjoying the game as soon as we can. The reserve will be closed during construction.”

Council is collaborating on the project with Panuku, the council’s regeneration agency, which is upgrading the town centre. HLC, the Housing New Zealand subsidiary tasked to provide more homes more quickly to growth areas, particularly Auckland, is managing new housing development projects in the area which will benefit from the Greenslade reserve project.

“We’re excited about turning an underutilised resource into a multi-functional and multi-purpose open space, designed and planted to respect the history of the people and the land, the geology and the natural environment and habitat,” Gwilym said.

“We’re creating an urban wetland by leaving a natural, daylit channel where there was previously a large stormwater pipe.”

As the project unfolds the aim is to involve the community and of course keep everyone up to speed on construction and an alternative route for pedestrians for temporary public access during construction.

If you have any queries about this project please call 09 301 0101 or visit

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