Earlier in May, Transport Minister Phil Twyford and I announced the contract for the upgrade of the Puhinui Rail Station Interchange.
It involves building new bus lanes from the airport to Puhinui Station to create a congestion-free link, and an impressive new station as a new bus-rail interchange. This project enables congestion-free travel to the airport and its employment precinct and will help create a true 21st Century transport system for our city – with fast, convenient travel around the region, reduced travel times and easy transitions between road and rail services.

Work is set to begin this year and be completed within 18 months. The central government has contributed 75 per cent of the cost, with the remainder funded by Aucklanders’ contributions through the Regional Fuel Tax.
It’s a good example of how we’re working with the government to unlock Auckland’s potential and build the infrastructure our city needs.

Join our Million Trees plantings
On a different matter, this month – as part of my Million Trees project and to celebrate Matariki – we’ve organised three public planting days where we will plant more than 80,000 trees and shrubs. Everyone is welcome, and there will be a free sausage sizzle to enjoy after each planting.
Visit milliontrees.co.nz for more information.