Aucklanders urged to have their say on regional and local priorities

Last Updated : 26 Feb 2020
Aucklanders urged to have their say on Regional and local priorities

Aucklanders are being urged to have their say on the city’s proposed 2020/2021 annual budget.

This will be the third year of the 10-year budget 2018-2028, a budget which committed the largest ever investment—$26.2 billion—into Auckland’s infrastructure. This year’s budget continues to focus on delivering our ambitious program of work while supporting a growing Auckland.

The four-week Annual Budget consultation focuses on issues around rates, growth and local priorities.

The topics for consultation are:

  • Increase to the base service waste management charge
  • Changes to the way we charge for swimming pool inspections
  • Changes to some targeted rates
  • Improving fee transparency for building and resource consents
  • Increases to some fees to maintain cost recovery

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff said: “This year’s annual budget proposal includes a $2.7 billion investment in capital assets, which will enable us to continue improving our transport network and providing the services and facilities Auckland needs to be world class.

“We are also laying the foundations for an increased focus on managing our environment and responding to the challenges posed by climate change.

“Investments of more than $700 million in water and environmental projects, decarbonising the council’s vehicle fleet and cutting our carbon emissions by almost 20 per cent over the next five years will prepare us for more substantive changes in the next 10-year Budget once we agree the Climate Action Framework.”

Councillor Desley Simpson, Chair of Auckland Council’s Finance and Performance Committee, continued:

“We also owe it to ratepayers to realise savings and efficiencies whenever and wherever we can. The cumulative annual savings of $63 million by 2020/2021 outlined in this budget demonstrates our clear focus to continue to find more ways to save money while providing effective, efficient services.”

Have your say

Annual budget

A consultation and engagement period is open between 21 February 2020 and 22 March 2020 and feedback can be given online at, by emailing or at one of the many events being run across the region. Details of all events can be found at or call us on 09 301 0101.

Feedback forms and supporting information will also be available at libraries, local board offices and service centres or can be requested by emailing

Following consultation, all feedback will be considered and the 2020/2021 Annual Budget will be adopted in June. Our decisions will be widely communicated, and a summary report will be available online.

The consultation closes on 22 March 2020.

Review of CCOs

Alongside the annual budget consultation, Aucklanders are being invited to have their say on the independent review into council-controlled organisations (CCOs).

Auckland Council has appointed an independent panel to review how well its council-controlled organisations are working. The review covers Auckland Transport (AT), Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED), Panuku Development Auckland, Regional Facilities Auckland (RFA), and Watercare.

The panel would like to hear from Aucklanders to find out what you think. Consultation is open from 20 February to 22 March 2020 and the panel wants to know:

  • what is working with the CCOs
  • what is not working
  • what can be improved.

Visit the Auckland Council website to have your say on the review of council-controlled organisations.

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