The call of the outdoors and summer go hand in hand and kauri dieback crews have worked hard to upgrade tracks so locals can get out and enjoy them.
As you head out into your local parks, many of which are home to kauri, show them respect, and remember the message to scrub, spray and stay on open tracks.
Here are seven special tracks that will be throughout the summer:
Birkenhead – enjoy the urban forest on the Le Roys Bush Reserve pathway from Little Shoal Bay past the waterfall to Onewa Rd and Hinemoa St.
Birkenhead – Kauri Glen Reserve access will only be open from Kauri Glen Road to Woodside Ave, Mahuta Grove and Gladstone Rd.
Kaukapakapa – the Omeru Scenic Reserve waterfall track at Makara, popular with daytrippers, is open with access to the water hole, stream and waterfall.
Henderson Valley Scenic Reserve - will be opened to provide access to the stream and the waterhole this summer.
Maraetai - Platts Mill will be opened to give access to residents from Maraetai Heights Road down to the beach; the large number of box steps makes for great exercise!
Keep an eye out for these sections of track due to open this summer:

Orewa – Alice Eaves upper track will be temporarily opened this summer to connect Hillcrest Rd to the newly opened stream track. Enjoy this easy walk down to Orewa beach and beyond.

Warkworth – go through the forest to the town centre on the Kowhai Reserve lower western track from Heritage Lane and the eastern connection from Melwood Drive.
Please respect track closures – they are vital to the protection of kauri.