Auckland Council’s 10-year Budget for 2021-2031, our Recovery Budget, is now open for public consultation, giving Aucklanders the opportunity to have their say.
Auckland’s Recovery Budget will increase the council’s total capital investment in our city from $26 billion to $31 billion over the next 10 years to deliver infrastructure for transport, housing, water and within our communities, helping to stimulate jobs and our economy.
It will respond to the impacts of climate change, protect our environment, and continue to provide essential and key services to Aucklanders. The budget also sets out our commitment to prudent management of our finances and a continued focus on savings to manage the loss of council income from COVID-19, with cumulative losses projected to reach around $1 billion by 2024.
Until Monday 22 March, we’ll be asking Aucklanders for feedback on the proposed 10-year Budget – asking them what’s important to them and how it should be paid for – to have your say visit akhaveyoursay.nz/recoverybudget.
Mayor Phil Goff encourages Aucklanders to have their say on the Recovery Budget.
“The Recovery Budget will play a vital role in helping Auckland recover from the massive economic damage caused by COVID-19, which is estimated to reach around $1 billion by 2024,” he says.
“We also need to continue investing in the critical infrastructure, services and facilities Auckland needs to be a world-class, internationally competitive city, while responding to the challenges of climate change and population growth.”
Finance and Performance Committee Chair, Councillor Desley Simpson continues:
“While we are continuing to focus on a very high savings target of $90 million as well as providing value for money to Aucklanders—doing more with less—we need to find a balance that enables us to provide much-needed investment in our aging infrastructure so that our city continues to be a great place to live, visit, and do business.”
Key topics for consultation
- The Recovery Budget – includes proposals for an increase in capital investment to $31 billion over the next ten years, a one-off five per cent average general rates increase, a short-term increase in council borrowing, continuation of council savings and selling more surplus council property.
- Climate Change – an additional $150 million investment to respond to the challenges of climate change.
- Extend the Water Quality Targeted Rate from 2028 until 2031 and increase each year in line with the projected average increase in general rates. This will help to continue and extend the improvements we have made to our beaches and waterways.
- Community Investment – we are proposing a new approach to how we deliver services in our communities which includes leasing, sharing or consolidating our facilities.
- There are also a number of ratings policy changes that could impact on your rates.
Find out more and ways to have your say
The Consultation Document and Supporting Information, along with feedback forms are available at akhaveyoursay.nz/recoverybudget, and are available at our service centres, libraries and local board offices or by phoning 09 301 0101.
If you plan to visit one of our locations in person, please check opening hours as times may vary due to COVID-19 restrictions.
You can visit akhaveyoursay.nz/ratesguide to find out how proposals in the 10-year Budget 2021-2031 may impact your rates from 1 July 2021.
Have your say events and webinars are also being run across the region. Check akhaveyoursay.nz/recoverybudget for events in your area. Events may be subject to COVID-19 restrictions so please be aware times or locations may change or cancelled at short notice.
Following consultation, all feedback will be considered and our 10-Year Budget 2021-2031 is due to be adopted in June 2021.
Decisions will be communicated once the budget is adopted and a summary report will be available on the council’s website.