Northcote Point wharf has reopened after a blessing this morning and services have re-started after a two-year closure.
The wharf has also been renamed to Te Onewa Northcote Point, making it the first dual-named wharf on Auckland’s ferry network.
In 2018, routine maintenance found some structural deterioration of the wharf which meant Auckland Transport (AT) had to close it on a temporary basis for health and safety reasons. Structural assessments of the wharf confirmed that the wooden structure elements under the deck needed to be either repaired or replaced.
The $2.6-million work to renew the 60-year-old wharf started on site in mid-July 2020, with construction finished before Christmas, despite the disruption caused by COVID-19. Final commissioning works and the installation of CCTV, an emergency help point and a public address system has now been completed.
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff welcomes the completion of work on the wharf. “This is great news for ferry commuters and the Northcote community,” he says.
“The wharf is now structurally stronger, and passengers will benefit from better seating, lighting, and shelter.
“Everyone who uses the ferry instead of travelling by car into the city centre will help reduce carbon emissions and traffic congestion on our roads.”
Having worked closely with mana whenua throughout the project, the wharf will become the first to be dual-named on Auckland’s ferry network in both te reo Māori and English and will now be named Te Onewa Northcote Point.
“By recognising the area’s te reo Māori name we recognise the intimate connection between Māori and the land on and around which the wharf is located,” says Richard Hills, North Shore Ward Councillor.
“It is an ongoing gift to the people of Auckland that residents and visitors can continue to arrive there by sea, as Māori traditionally did.”

“This seemingly simple change underscores the constantly evolving and deepening of Auckland Transport’s relationship with mana whenua,” says David Nelson, AT’s Portfolio Delivery Director (Projects).
“Eventually, bilingual signage will direct people to the location of bus services and help them navigate their way to the nearby pā site.”
Within the new shelter, ferry users will find a new, covered gangway featuring designs created specifically for Te Onewa by Reuben Kirkwood, Kaiwhakairo (head carver) for Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki.
The design reflects a coastline panorama of the flat-topped maunga of Tāmaki Makaurau creating varying headlands and inlets, and hikuwai, the reflectivity of the sunrise and sunset within the tidal patterns on the water’s surface.
For more information and to view the project updates visit the Auckland Transport website.
For information about ferry services, visit the Auckland Transport Journey Planner.