Mānawatia a Matariki! Celebrate Matariki on the motu with the following events:
Piritahi Maara Matariki
Piritahi Marae – 24 June, 10am to 4pm

Maara whānau are invited to celebrate the first Matariki public holiday at Piritahi Marae. Pōwhiri at 10am.
Many of you have connected with the maara during the time of covid and while the marae has been closed. Piritahi is now open again and they invite you to connect with the wider Piritahi whānau.
A day of kōrero, planting, workshops and music. You are invited to also stay overnight at the marae. Please email piritahimaara@gmail.com if you plan on staying the night.
Matariki whetu ki te rangi, tāngata ora ki te whenua.
Matariki hosted by Ngā Tangata Pāoa
Old Blackpool Hall Grounds, Oneroa – 24 June, noon till night

Come celebrate with Ngāti Pāoa. Commemorate the first public holiday in Aotearoa to acknowledge and celebrate Matariki a.k.a. Māori New Year. This is a family-friendly event, open to all.
From noon we will have karakia to open the event, followed by kai and interactive stalls including poi making and manu aute / kite making.
There will also be a Kōrero Tent with singers, poets and workshops.
Koha welcome and will be used for event expenses as well as accommodation and travel costs for Pāoa people, practitioners, traders and contributors.
Matariki Programme 2022
Artworks Theatre – 22 June to 2 July 2022
Artworks Theatre have a range of Matariki offerings over the next couple of weeks, including a free dawn ceremony at 7am on Friday 24 June.
Another highlight for the whole whānau, He Hautapu is a puppet show journey through the whetū (stars) of Matariki and how they relate to the natural world experienced on the motu. With three showings across Friday 24 and Saturday 25 June, this is a ticketed event.
See the full programme here.
Matariki Dark Sky Hīkoi
Oneroa Beach to Artworks Courtyard – 25 June 2022 at 5am
Star gazing walk by Waiheke Walking Festival, Dark Sky Waiheke & Ngāti Pāoa.
Email vicki@waihekewalkingfestival.org for more information.
Matariki Exhibition 2022: He Poipoia (To nurture)
Waiheke Community Art Gallery – 8 July to 7 August 2022
This exhibition nurtures our unique cultural identity by celebrating the national recognition of the Māori New Year, Matariki.
Matariki is the indigenous commemoration of seasonal change that has now become a national holiday for all New Zealanders. This exhibition explores the celebration of Matariki as an opportunity for us all to re-frame our experience of the natural world, in terms defined by Māori.
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