From international awards to improved accessibility – celebrating Pukekawa / Auckland Domain

Publish Date : 28 Sep 2022
Auckland Domain / Pukekawa is the oldest park in Tāmaki Makaurau and one of our most popular. (1)
Auckland Domain / Pukekawa is the oldest park in Tāmaki Makaurau and one of our most popular.

A recent report to the Auckland Domain Committee celebrates Pukekawa / Auckland Domain’s successes over the last three years, revealing Auckland Council’s most significant outcomes achieved for the Domain.

Councillor Desley Simpson, Chair of the Auckland Domain Committee, is proud of what the council has delivered for the Domain, despite challenges during this time.

“Pukekawa / Auckland Domain is a much-loved park with a rich history that is still very much thriving and well-used today.
“It’s great to see and share what Auckland Council has delivered for the Domain and elevate the highlights over the last three years – despite obstacles faced,” says Cr Simpson.

Auckland Domain is the oldest park in Tāmaki Makaurau and one of our most popular and well-used parks. Used extensively by visitors and locals alike, the Domain is a destination for sports, picnics, walks, and much more. The park played a special role during the last three years, allowing Aucklanders to meet up with friends and whānau outdoors as well as engage in sport and recreation during COVID restrictions.

International awards

Auckland Domain received two Green Flag Awards in 2020 and 2021/22, an international benchmark standard for recreational outdoor spaces. The criteria for these awards include quality of services, safety, maintenance, community involvement, and sustainability. In 2021/22, the Domain was one of 24 parks across Aotearoa to receive the award.

The Wintergardens has twice received a five-star appraisal as a Garden of Significance in the past three years. The New Zealand Gardens Trust noted in particular, “the continued attainment and high quality in the perennial border on the north side of the building – one of Auckland’s gems”.

Accessibility improvements

Auckland Council also delivered key accessibility improvements in Auckland Domain so that more people can enjoy the park. This includes completing the planning to deliver new path connections, restricting long-stay parking through the trial gates at Titoki Street car park, implementing paid parking at Grafton Mews and improving pedestrian safety.

Wintergardens upgrade

The Wintergardens’ buildings and range of plants are of high quality and an asset to Tāmaki Makaurau. The upgrade is underway with the Wintergardens partially re-opened, welcoming visitors back to the temperate house, courtyard and fernery.

Additional highlights:

  • Installation of eight new concrete cricket wickets.
  • The renewal the Japanese bridge.
  • Installation of two disabled car-parking bays and accompanying seating at the Wintergardens.
  • Rehoming of 20 geese to a Kaipara Harbour farm to improve the cleanliness of the duck ponds.
  • Around 20 regular volunteers monitoring the Domain’s pest animal traplines.
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