Kaipātiki welcomes playful public art piece

Last Updated : 14 Jan 2025
Oruamo Header
Soft Focus ... Summer's Day with artist David McCracken

North Shore locals celebrated the installation of a long-awaited public art piece in Glenfield’s Oruamo Domain this November thanks to Kaipātiki Local Board and the Kaipātiki Public Arts Trust (KPAT).  

Soft Focus ... Summer's Day, a 3.5-meter-tall sculpture by renowned Aotearoa artist David McCracken was blessed by local mana whenua on Sunday 12 November at a family-friendly event attended by North Shore locals and key stakeholders in the project and organised by the board-funded Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust.

The sculpture is the result of a four-year collaboration between the board and KPAT to bring more public art to the Kaipātiki area.  

“The local board is really proud that we have finally managed to achieve this piece of artwork in Glenfield. It’s a real significant piece for the local area and for Kaipātiki wide as well,” says Kaipātiki Local Board Chair John Gillon.  

KPAT Chair Helen Schamroth is happy to see the hard work put in by KPAT, the board and artist David McCracken finally paying off, with the fun and interactive sculpture receiving a warm welcome from the local community. 

“It felt right for the environment, in an area where there’s not much in the way of public art, to start with something that people could just relate to however they did it. Even if it was just to pull a funny face and see themselves reflected back,” Schamroth says.  

For artist David McCracken, it has been extremely gratifying to see the sculpture welcomed in Kaipātiki. 

“I really felt that I wanted to do something that was optimistic and forward-looking and felt light. It seems to be quite a popular work. People seem to like it.” 

You can find out more about the development of this project here. 

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