Report leaves board committed to greater understanding of Māori issues in Manurewa

Publish Date : 21 Feb 2023
Maori Outcomes

A detailed report into Auckland Council’s outcomes for Māori has seen Manurewa Local Board call for a workshop to better understand the issues involved.

The 45-page report - Te Pūrongo a Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ngā Huanga Māori 2021-2022 - shows how the council group is contributing to Kia Ora Tāmaki Makaurau – Māori Outcomes Performance Measurement Framework outcomes, and Auckland Council’s Long Term Plan 10-year budget priorities.

Board Chair Glenn Murphy says the council first published a Māori Outcomes Report in 2019.

“This edition flows on from earlier reports and provides information on performance, including how we have been supporting a Māori response and recovery from COVID-19.

“Each report aims to give a picture of annual progress to decision-makers across the council group, Māori partners, elected members, leaders in governance, and whānau Māori.

“It’s a comprehensive document and members want a workshop to delve into some areas, and to understand where we are delivering, and to improve in areas where we aren’t.”

Report highlights include:

  • Elevating the council’s most senior Māori leadership role to executive team
  • Manaaki Fund contributing to whanau well-being during COVID-19
  • Continued success of Toi Tū Toi Ora through a year-long work programme
  • Marae infrastructure programme progressing six marae upgrades
  • Nine other marae formally engaged at various infrastructure porogramme stages.
  • Support for Māori businesses into procurement opportunities

Various delivery challenges faced by some programme partners led to the Māori Outcomes Fund underspending its budget.

The report is available here.

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