Howick Local Board recently celebrated its volunteers with a recognition ceremony at the Uxbridge Centre.
The ceremony is held every two years, with the awards based on community nominations that celebrate the work volunteers do, and the contributions they make.
“Volunteers are at the heart of many of the successful activities and organisations that make our community such a great place. It’s vital we take time to recognise their tireless efforts and celebrate their incredible work,” Howick Local Board chair Damian Light says.

A few snaps of the wonderful community of Volunteers in our area
More than 80 volunteers were honoured for their efforts after community organisations were encouraged to nominate up to three people whose contributions had not been recognised by the board before.

Howick Local Board members snaps with some of the volunteers honoured at the ceremony
The evening featured vibrant performances from several community groups, showcasing the rich cultural diversity of Howick.

A beautiful display of cultural performances
“It was a fantastic evening, celebrating locals who give up their time to help their community,” Light says.
“It was a privilege to read out the reasons behind the nominations, highlighting the wide range of volunteers and organisations they support. We’re incredibly thankful for all the amazing work they do.”
The Howick Local Board thanks all volunteers – ‘We couldn’t do without you!’
List of Howick Local Board Volunteer Recognition 2023 winners:
Hamish Arthur, Natasha Astill, Billy Davis, Glenda Booth, Billy Davis, Nivedita Sharma Vij, Lily Yao, Rachael Cooper, Xurong QIU, Jin YU, Xinglan CHEN, Peiyun HE, Talia Govender, Tejinder Kaur, Xiaoqun Zhang, Fengqin Sui, Anne Singh, Henna He, Christine Kendrick, Gurpreet Singh Manchanda, Harjit Singh QSM JP, Philip Taylor (PJ), Selwyn Warwick Matthew Burns, Maurice Collenette, Mr Vivek Vij (Chairperson), Billy Davis, Kin Mei Eleanor Mak, Yi-Hui Sandy Wang, Bowen Dang, Dennis Easton, Aaron Martin, Roslyn Monaghan, Zhi Ying Dou, Jennifer Woodroofe, Mary Kennedy, Joanna Chen, Peggy McLeod, Bruce Wighton, Cat Finai, Zaihe Dai (Daisy Dai), Ian Davies, Melanie Nicol, Pat Cannon, EungHyun Kim, HyunJoong Yoon, Mun Hwan Yang, Margaret Bell, Jack Sun Junwen Long Jianquan Shen Yuheng Cao, Ian Gibson, Ruth Lemmer, Yuva Raj Adhikary, Warren Rhynd, John Rickerby, Dean Moore, Robert Morfee, Guy Orr, Mary Qin, Ariel Zhang, Kiri Kirkpatrick, Dr Kushagar Maini, Caitlin Dodd, Colin Horgan, Marion Wood, Ngaire-Ann Hobson, Kathryn "Kate" Hallam, Deepak Kumar Joshi, Jim Duckworth, The Core Four, Dr. Rajesh Joshi, Gary Shearer, Marin Burgess & Richard Waugh, Martine Abel-Williamson, Paul Spiller, Carolyn Stiles, Del Johnston, Ed Kulik, Anne McKey, Rosie Rong, Fumin Chao and Baomei Zhuang.
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