Multi-million-dollar upgrade underway at Ōrewa Library

Publish Date : 16 Sep 2024
Multi-million-dollar upgrade underway at Ōrewa Library
Installing the new concrete panels at Ōrewa Library.

The good news is the $5.5 million upgrade of Ōrewa Library will be completed by next June.

Visitor numbers have increased to more than 235,000 a year, and the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board approved an extensive library upgrade to reconfigure the building’s existing footprint, increase functionality and replace the old leaking roof.

Auckland Council General Manager Parks and Community Facilities Taryn Crewe says about two thirds of the existing library is being deconstructed, will be rebuilt and a new mezzanine floor added.

“Progress has been steady and while the foundation work took slightly longer than anticipated, it won’t delay the timeline by much. The high-water table and sandy ground conditions required deeper foundations than originally planned for.

“Fortunately, the extra foundation work has only added about a week to the timeline. Many materials are manufactured offsite, then brought to site to be installed, and that includes steel frames which will soon be hoisted into place to support the building.”

Board Chair Alexis Poppelbaum says the library upgrade tackles the ever-increasing demand for library services and the building’s maintenance requirements.

“The library is a popular community hub for our residents. A huge thanks to our library staff who are doing everything they can to reduce the impact on everyone during construction.

“The new library will be fantastic and well worth the wait for residents.”

The comprehensive upgrade uses the building’s existing footprint and includes:

  • freeing up space downstairs by moving some collections upstairs to create new and relaxing spaces.

  • a large downstairs children’s library with room for collections and programmes.

  • a lift that meets accessibility requirements and has access to the mezzanine floor.

  • an open downstairs area with better sightlines, lower shelves and better spacing of fixtures and fittings.

  • a new mezzanine floor with flexible space for study, programmes, meetings, and can be adapted easily for different requirements.

  • an improved interior layout, better sightlines, safe room, and controlled access to staff areas.

  • a new mono pitch roof to replace the old leaking curved roof.

While renovations are underway, library staff are running a mini-library and council services from the Ōrewa Community Centre with several well-loved programmes taking place on Wednesdays during term-times. For more details, visit Facebook

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