Standardising rubbish collections

Publish Date : 15 Oct 2024
No Bin Tag Alice
Simply wheel your bin out

Aucklanders out west will no longer need to use prepaid bin tags from 2 December 2024 as council rubbish collections will be funded by residential property rates.

West Auckland is moving from pay-as-you-throw collections to rates-funded as part of a regionwide move towards a standardised waste service for Auckland.

Auckland Council General Manager Waste Solutions Justine Haves says that standardising waste services across Auckland will give everyone access to the same service at the same cost, wherever they live.

“Having everyone on a unified collection service that includes recycling and food scraps, gives us the best chance to minimise waste and reduce emissions as we work towards Auckland’s goal of zero waste by 2040,” says Ms Haves.

“We want to protect Auckland’s natural environment by reducing reliance on landfills, while keeping costs for Aucklanders as low as possible. A universal rates-funded rubbish collection helps us to deliver a more consistent and cost-effective service and makes it easier to engage with Aucklanders on how we can all reduce waste,” she says.

The targeted rates charge for a property’s rubbish collection will depend on the size of the bin. With a choice of three bin sizes, Aucklanders can choose the size that best meets their individual household’s needs.

Auckland Council rubbish truck picking up rubbish bins with a mechanical arm


“If households use their food scrap bins and recycling bins regularly, most will find that a smaller rubbish bin than they have now will work for them. Many people don’t realise that food scraps contribute significantly to harmful greenhouse gas emissions from landfills, and prior to the introduction of the food scraps collection, waste audits found that up to half of the weight of rubbish bins consisted of this waste,” says Ms Haves.

“For larger households that require a larger bin even after they are using all three waste bins correctly, there is an option for the ratepayer to request a larger bin from Auckland Council, for a slightly higher cost to that household’s rates.”

Bin tags will be accepted on council bins until Friday 29 November in West Auckland. After this date, West Auckland residents can get a refund from local libraries for any unused bin tags for a limited time - from Sunday 1 December 2024 to Friday 31 January 2025.

The changes are being rolled out in pay-as-you-throw areas over the next 12 months. After Waitākere, the next areas to move to rates-funded rubbish collections are: North Shore, Papakura, and Franklin. Rodney, which currently has no council rubbish collections, will also move to a rates-funded rubbish collection service next year. Central Auckland and Manukau already have rates-funded rubbish services.

Anyone living in a rural zone who would like to continue using bags should email Rural residents will still have options on the number of waste bags they would like to use, depending on their household requirements, and this is reflected in the targeted waste rate for each household.

For more information, including how to request a refund for unused bin tags, please visit

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