Crucial Penlink detour road repaired and strengthened

Last Updated : 18 Feb 2025
Duck Creek Repairs Complete
Urgent repairs completed on Duck Creek Road, Stillwater.

Repairs to a major storm-related slip on Duck Creek Road, a crucial access road during the construction of O Mahurangi – Penlink, the new seven-kilometre highway between Whangaparaoa Road and State Highway 1, are complete.

“Last year Duck Creek Road began slumping at the site of an under slip on a corner near the northern side of the road, which was a worry because this local road is the only link to Stillwater from East Coast Bays Road,” said Alan Wallace, Auckland Transport’s GM Road Asset Maintenance & Renewals.

“While the road usually caters for around 2000 vehicle movements per day, the additional trucks carrying materials and machinery for the Penlink project put the road under extra stress. It was also crucial to fix the slip fast while widening the road and accommodating through-traffic during the on-site construction.”

“The urgency of this project was paramount, as further slips could have cut community access and disrupted the Penlink build.”

AT contractors, Fulton Hogan team, built three retaining walls (two long and one short), installed improved drainage facilities, made improvements to driveway entrances and laid new pavement.

They did this by working on one side of the road then switching to the other, in tandem with Vector retaining a power pole on top of the southern bank – at one stage the pole was held by a 55 tonne crane while works could proceed below it.

Early this year road pavement works was laid, a guard rail installed and landscaping completed before the road was fully opened on 7 February.

AT and Fulton Hogan would like to thank the residents of Duck Creek Road, their neighbours and visitors to the area, and the Penlink contractors, for their patience during this project.

“I am really pleased with the completed roadworks, including our driveway. It's much easier to get out now it's all finished and the stretch of road looks amazing. Thank you for keeping us updated during construction, it wouldn't have been easy!” – Karen.

Auckland Transport has also created a video on the Duck Creek Road repairs.

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