The section of Scenic Drive between Titirangi Roundabout and Woodlands Park Road was reopened in December 2024.
This section had sustained major damage in the 2023 weather events. Large sections of the edge of the road were undercut by slips. The road has been closed for repairs since March last year.
To repair the underslips Auckland Transport contractors constructed three large retaining walls, which were joined to make one continuous repair. Work included:
Drainage and culverts were repaired and replaced.
The new footpath and balustrade were constructed over the retaining walls.
New lighting was installed.
Planting, coconut matting and seeding helped to start the restoration of the natural environment, which contributes to the stabilisation of the soil.
Repairs were made to sections of the road.
On the other side of the road, the embankment was also damaged by the weather events. Sections of the embankment were failing, and rocks fell from several locations. AT contractors worked to remove all the loose rock and debris from this embankment, and to reseed large sections.
A large section of the embankment needed to be secured with soil nails, and a retaining wall was built to prevent the embankment from falling onto the road.
This road is a vital connection for the wider community, who are very pleased to have this connection to and from Titirangi restored.
Auckland Transport thanks all their contractors, subcontractors and traffic management team who worked so diligently towards restoring this section for the community. Thanks also to the community for their support and patience during the works.
Next steps: Scenic Drive near Arataki
There are two large slip sites on Scenic Drive near Arataki that need full road closures to repair and rebuild. The first site should be completed by the end of February, then the work on the second site will begin. This site has extensive damage and work will continue through winter to repair this last section of the road.
Access to Arataki Visitor Centre is available from the Titirangi side of Scenic Drive.
For a full update, please visit the Auckland Transport website.