Property category information
Latest updates about the property categorisation process including the Category 3 Buy-out Scheme (funding available to buy homes), Category 2P Risk Mitigation Scheme (funding available for work to reduce risk on properties), and risk assessments.
You can also find property category information on the Auckland Council website here.

Documents library
Access the guides, forms and factsheets you need to help you through the categorisation process.

Property categorisation explainer
Find out about the different categories and the key policy decisions for Category 3 and 2P.

Recovery timelines for property owners
Update on the 3500 property categories that we are completing property level risk-based assessments for.
Categorisation information

Category 2C homes in Māngere
Information about what a Category 2C flood risk rating means for your home.

Categorisation update – 5 December 2024
Welcome to our fortnightly update on recovery categorisation, buy-out and assessment progress.

Valuations for category 3 properties
The council uses independent, registered valuers to undertake the valuations.

Risk assessments

New guide to help homeowners read geotechnical assessment reports
To help homeowners understand the report they receive.

Homeowners’ guide to flood risk assessments
Flood risk assessments are a free service provided by the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office to help homeowners.

Why do flood risk assessments take time?
Healthy Waters Head of Planning, Nick Vigar, explains some of the complexities involved in the flood-risk assessment process.

Homeowner’s guide to landslide assessments
Geotechnical assessments are a free service provided by the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office to help homeowners and the council understand landslide risks.

Step by step guide to flood risk assessments
To help you understand what goes on during a flood risk assessment, we've broken down the stages into nine steps.
Watch our short video series to see what's involved in the following stages:
- Detailed desktop assessment
- Site visit
- Risk assessment matrix and mitigation options