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Protecting Auckland's environment

News1766 Results

Community 13 Feb 2017

Five more years for Waitākere Community Recycling Centre

Waitākere Community Recycling Centre will continue to flourish after securing a five-year contract with Auckland Council.

Community 13 Feb 2017

Artist captures 100 days of waste

Auckland artist Elle Anderson has documented her contribution to landfill in a stunning photography project.

Beaches 10 Feb 2017

Upgraded water quality guide considered

A significant upgrade of Auckland’s Safeswim beach water quality monitoring programme is being considered by Auckland Council.

Environment 8 Feb 2017

Stormwater project prepares for Papakura growth

Auckland Council is part way through a project to reduce flood risk, improve water quality and take pressure of the existing stormwater network in the Papakura area.

Environment 7 Feb 2017

Auckland Council submits on Pt England Reserve Enabling Bill

Auckland Council and Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board have made submissions to the government on the Point England Development Enabling Bill.

Environment 3 Feb 2017

Council trials smart rubbish bin

Panuku Development Auckland is trialling a clever bin that can compress rubbish and send an alert when it needs to be emptied.

Environment 3 Feb 2017

Enjoy Pāhurehure Inlet this summer

The restoration and upgrade of the Pāhurehure Inlet walkway are now complete.

Environment 31 Jan 2017

Council takes back control of Motukorea/Browns Island

Auckland Council is taking back the administration and management of the island from the Department of Conservation after agreement with the government.