News154 Results

Howick spreads grants funds widely
Howick Local Board grants funds have been allocated.

World Cup fever hits Takaanini
The Kabaddi World Cup may not generate the hype of the Rugby World Cup but it's still drawing the best players in the world has to Takaanini.

Unique Ōtara Christmas guaranteed
Funds have been allocated to make sure the Christmas spirit is felt in full in Ōtara.

Franklin locals learn to dance for Diwali
Franklin locals were invited to learn Indian dance ahead of Diwali.

Helping hand for Manurewa young people
Scholarships have been awarded to help Manurewa rangatahi pursue their educations.

Get squared away for the holidays in Takapuna
Takapuna’s newly revitalised Waiwharariki Anzac Square is about to come alive with a range of play activities for kids funded by the Devonport-Takapuna local board

Immersive cultural and environmental education space on the waterfront opens to the public
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland Council have partnered to deliver Te Wharekura, a project which celebrates the cultural richness of Te Waitematā, and aims to inspire its protection.

The stage is set for Auckland Council’s Stand Up Stand Out Finals Showcase
Get ready for an electrifying display of talent as the Finals Showcase of Auckland Council’s Stand Up Stand Out kicks off on 23 September at Auckland Town Hall!
Events224 Results

Other worlds: an exhibition by Auckland Council Libraries
Enjoy seeing early editions of your favourite works and be inspired to find your next read.

Minecraft club at Whangaparāoa Library
Bring your Minecraft loaded device and have fun making friends, sharing tips and tricks, and shar...

Wriggle & Rhyme at Epsom Community Library
Come join us every Wednesday at 10am (during school term only) for a fun and interactive for you...

Mandarin Rhymetime
Enjoy Chinese language and culture through music, stories, and activities!

Stories & Rhyme - Ōrewa Library
Join our Stories & Rhyme sessions with songs, movement and finger rhymes for pre-schoolers and th...

Wriggle and Rhyme - Ōrewa Library
Wriggle and Rhyme promotes active movement and brain development for babies and toddlers aged two...

Wriggle & Rhyme - Albany Village Library
A programme to educate parents and caregivers in active movement,

Digital Seniors free tech help for older people at Glenfield Library
Are you a senior who would like some help with your digital device?
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