Mayor of Auckland

The latest updates from the Office of the Mayor of Auckland.

News331 Results

Environment 4 Jul 2018

Some heroes wear feathers

A team of chickens hunting down plague skinks on Aotea Great Barrier are now giving the Auckland community an egg-cellent gift as well.

Ellen Melville Centre 20 Jun 2018

Ellen Melville Centre wins

The Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Place upgrade has been recognised for design excellence.

Mayor 12 Jun 2018

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff in award-winning photo

Councillor Casey won first prize in the Tiritiri Matangi Island Photographic Competition with a picture of Mayor Phil Goff.

Mayor 6 Jun 2018

‘Build-it budget’ to invest in Auckland infrastructure

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff today released his final proposal for Auckland Council’s 10-year Budget.

Mayor 1 Jun 2018

Council green lights “Build-it” budget

$26.2bn investment largest in Auckland's history.

Community 22 May 2018

Mt Albert is back in business

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was among hundreds of people to attend the opening of Mt Albert's town centre in May.

Transport 15 May 2018

Have your say on the proposed Regional Fuel Tax

Aucklanders have the opportunity to have their say on the future of Auckland’s transport system during a public consultation on a proposed Regional Fuel Tax (RFT) and the projects it could fund.

Transport 1 May 2018

Aucklanders back better transport and environmental protection

Majority of Aucklanders support increased investment.