Mayor of Auckland

The latest updates from the Office of the Mayor of Auckland.

News335 Results

Plans / Projects 13 Dec 2017

Briefing to incoming government

We've provided the new government with an overview on major issues and opportunities facing Auckland.

Mayor 12 Dec 2017

Auckland Council agrees on 10-year budget consultation topics

Auckland Council today approved the topics for consultation for its forthcoming 10-year budget, including a potential regional fuel tax, options to fund environmental protection and potential rates levels for the forthcoming 10 years.

Mayor 30 Nov 2017

Mayor's $11 billion budget proposal

Spend on housing, transport and environment key priorities for Mayor Phil.

Mayor 6 Nov 2017

Making a splash in Pakuranga and Stanmore Bay

The splash pads will open later in the year – one at the Stanmore Bay Pool and Leisure Centre, Whangaparāoa, and the other at the Lloyd Elsmore Park Pool and Leisure Centre in Pakuranga.

Environment 31 Oct 2017

Mayors call for levy on single-use plastic bags

The mayors of Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin have jointly launched an open letter to other mayors around the country to join the call on central government to institute a national levy on single use plastic bags.

Environment 27 Oct 2017

Mayor commits to a greener Auckland

Mayor Phil Goff attended a Together4Climate event in Paris alongside 11 mayors from major cities.

Mayor 26 Oct 2017

Mayor ready to get to work on light rail

Mayor Phil Goff welcomes the fuel tax and is ready to get to work on light rail in Auckland.

Mayor 26 Oct 2017

New directors appointed to ATEED and Watercare

Evan Davies and Glenys Coughlan have been appointed to the board of Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development and former Cabinet Minister Annette King has been appointed to the board of Watercare Services Limited.