Mayor of Auckland

The latest updates from the Office of the Mayor of Auckland.

News335 Results

Heritage 10 Oct 2017

Nixon monument brings descendants together

Mayor Phil Goff met with descendants of the battle at Rangiāowhia regarding the fate of the colonial statue.

Mayor 9 Oct 2017

Council’s strong credit ratings reaffirmed

Both Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s have reaffirmed the council’s credit ratings as AA and Aa2 respectively on a “stable” outlook.

Community 2 Oct 2017

Seniors Advisory Panel calls for engagement

Did you know that Auckland Council has a Seniors Advisory Panel who advocates for older people in our region?

Mayor 29 Sep 2017

Significant investment and solid financial performance

Auckland Council’s Group 2016/2017 Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2017 has been formally adopted by the council’s governing body.

Transport 6 Sep 2017

Auckland Transport to address flooding along Tāmaki Drive

Auckland Transport is planning to raise Tāmaki Drive by up to half a metre to mitigate the effects of flooding.

Mayor 1 Sep 2017

Auckland Council Living Wage takes effect

The first phase of Auckland Council’s Living Wage policy came into effect on 1 September, lifting the wages of more than 1,500 employees to $18 per hour.

Mayor 31 Aug 2017

20 million rail trips in 12 months

Auckland's commuter train network has surpassed all its passenger forecasts to record 20 million train trips in one year, a mark that the network wasn't expected to hit for another three years.

Mayor 28 Aug 2017

Auckland Council votes to get on with Drury South development

A decision on 24 August by Auckland Mayor Phil Goff and Auckland Council's Governing Body has ensured the development of 700 houses and a new business park in Drury South will continue.