Policies / Regulations

News270 Results

Housing 15 Dec 2015

Status of privately owned trees in New Lynn

Auckland Council is aware of media reports about protesters who have climbed trees on private property in New Lynn to prevent them being removed.

Policies / Regulations 14 Dec 2015

Waiheke vineyard owner fined for excessive helicopter flights

The council has welcomed a district court decision to fine a property owner for excessive helicopter flights.

Policies / Regulations 8 Dec 2015

Court fine reminds businesses to check smoke detectors

A recent Auckland District Court decision serves as a reminder for businesses to make sure their smoke detectors are compliant.

Policies / Regulations 1 Dec 2015

Mentoring for food and restaurant businesses

Our Environmental Health team is providing mentoring sessions for food service businesses to prepare them for the new national Food Act.

Policies / Regulations 21 Oct 2015

Sign of the times

In business? Find out about Auckland Council's new signage bylaw.

Policies / Regulations 6 Oct 2015

Living the good life

What you need to know about keeping animals in your backyard.