
News965 Results

Transport 29 Sep 2015

Swanson park and ride a boon for commuters

A new park-and-ride facility has opened at the Swanson train station, providing nearly 140 additional car parks for Swanson rail commuters.

Transport 29 Sep 2015

New pontoon at Half Moon Bay

Plans are confirmed for a new pontoon and other improvements in the area.

Transport 29 Sep 2015

Wynyard Quarter continues to wow

Wynyard Quarter is fast becoming one of New Zealand’s most exciting and diverse areas.

Plans / Projects 29 Sep 2015

Building the world’s most liveable city

Find out what the decisions from the 10-year budget (2015-2025) mean for Auckland.

Transport 29 Sep 2015

The transport network Auckland needs

Through the 10-year budget consultation process, many Aucklanders told us they want to see action on our city’s transport issues.