North Shore heritage champions recognised

Publish Date : 08 Oct 2018
North Shore heritage champions recognised (4)
Heritage Champion Award winner Michael Pritchard (left ) with family

Devonport-Takapuna Local Board celebrated its 2018 Heritage Awards on Saturday 6 October at Lake House Arts in Takapuna.

Five awards in total were announced and presented – one Heritage Education Award, two Heritage Restoration Awards, and two Heritage Champion Awards. 

The Heritage Education Award was taken out by Gavin Sheehan in recognition of his work in recording and installing additional plaques that recognise soldiers from Takapuna who died during the first world war.

Heritage Restoration Awards were presented to Piers and Alisha Kay for their restoration and conservation work at 13 Bardia Street in Belmont, and to Sue Fleischl and Michael Booth for their restoration at 14 Rewiti Avenue in Takapuna.

Two Heritage Champion Awards went to the Devonport Museum for its ongoing service to its community, including visitors and local schools, and to Michael Pritchard for his immense contribution over many years to heritage conservation, promotion and education.

Devonport-Takapuna Local Board member and awards presenter Mike Cohen gave thanks to those that supported this year’s awards.

“I would like to acknowledge and thank everyone who entered, our knowledgeable judges, and everyone who has come along today to support these important local awards.”

“Recognising our great success stories is critical for our communities to know and value our heritage - thereby contributing towards creating a culture where our people will and want to conserve their heritage, natural or built,” he said.

Judges for this year’s awards were Paddy Stafford-Bush, Dave Veart, Debbie Dunsford and architect Antony Matthews.

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